Temple Activities


Cemetery – Creates policies and regulations regarding the Schaarai Zedek cemetery.

College Outreach – Sponsors programs and events for college students.

Fundraising – Creates activities and social events to raise funds for the temple.

Hospitality – Provides hospitality services for temple events.

House – Supervises building and grounds operations and keeps them in good repair.

Membership – Invites prospective members and helps make new members feel welcome.

Office Volunteers – Help answer phones, take messages, and assist with mailings.

Outreach – Sponsor programs to welcome those who seek to become Jews-by-Choice and integrate them into congregation life. Encourages people to make Jewish choices in their lives.

Preschool – Reviews Preschool activities.

Publicity – Makes the community aware of activities occurring at the temple.

Religious School – Recommends policies and regulations regarding the Flom Religious School.

Social Action – Focuses attention on relevant issues and coordinates volunteers and financial efforts in the spirit of Tzedakah.

Ushering – Provides ushers for Shabbat and other holiday services.

Youth Committee – Develops, sponsors, and promotes youth group activities.

Social Groups

Brotherhood – An affiliate organization for men of all ages, providing social activities and services to the temple.

Seniors Program – Sponsors activities for seniors.

Sisterhood – An affiliate organization for women of all ages providing social activities and services to the temple.

Young Couples Club – Sponsors social and educational activities and programs for young couples.

Youth Groups – Organizes social activities and programs for youth in the congregation, from birth through high school.

20+30s Connection – Organizes social activities and programs for individuals and couples ages 21-39.

Adult Learning

Adult Education – A varied curriculum of Jewish courses led by our clergy, visiting scholars, and guest lecturers.

Hebrew for Beginners – Basic beginning Hebrew training for the adult learner.

Adult Bar/Bat Mitzvah – An opportunity for adults who have never become a Bar or Bat Mitzvah to have this meaningful life cycle event.